English Springer Spaniel Pedigrees
Browse over 14,500 dogs in our English Springer Spaniel database.
19 to 20 Inches
35 to 50 Lbs.
12-14 Years
About Springer Spaniels
Closely related to the Welsh Springer Spaniel and traditionally used as a medium sized gun dog to help hunt game, the modern English Springer Spaniel has actually been bred into two separate gene pools. Modern show bred English Springer Spaniels and field bred dogs are still registered together, but have had separate bloodlines since the 1950's.
English Springer Spaniel Pedigree Reports
You'll find a sample 5 generation English Springer Spaniel pedigree from our database below. To learn more about the dog's lineage, click on any ancestor in the pedigree to dig deeper. Hovering your mouse over the icons will bring up photos, health, genetic and additional information such as color, unique markings and show titles. Inbred ancestors are highlighted with matching colors within pedigree charts so you can easily spot them. Each pedigree report also contains additional reports for offspring, siblings, linebreeding, inbreeding and test matings. Our knowledgebase also offers additional resources to help you read and understand pedigrees.
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- English Springer Spaniel
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