Edit Newdanelands Crusader Thor

General Information

General information about your animal such as sire, dam, date of birth

Change Name
Enter the official registered name of the animal. Please omit all titles or abbreviations in this field.
Enter the common/call name for this animal.
Select the sex of the animal.
Great Dane
Select the primary breed of this animal from the list.
Please enter the date of birth for this animal (YYYY-MM-DD). If not fully known, using only the year of birth is acceptable (YYYY). You may also prefix the year with a tilde (~) to signify an approximate year.
Use the date picker to select the date of death for this animal.

Search for Sire

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Enter any short notes for this relationship. These notes will only be displayed next to the dam's name on the pedigree for this animal.

Search for Dam

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Enter any short notes for this relationship. These notes will only be displayed next to the dam's name on the pedigree for this animal.


Photos of your animal

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Health Information

Health information about your animal such as height, weight, etc

The height of the animal.
The weight of the animal.
Please select the country this animal was born in.
Describes whether or not this animal has been neutered.
Choose a color from the dropdown.
Please enter the elbow dysplasia rating for the animal.
Please enter the hip dysplasia rating for the animal.
Choose markings from the dropdown.

Additional Information

Any other additional information you would like to save with your animal

Please select the clubs that this animal is a part of.

Additional comments you might want to add.
Select the current country that this animal is held.
Training, Hunting, Sporting achievements (SchH, IPO, Herding, Obedience, Tracking, etc).
Show titles, show and work championships.


Contact information about your animal such as owner, breeder, etc

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Genetic Information

Genetic and DNA

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