DNA testing plays an important role in dog breeding and pedigrees. Whether you're trying to predict your litter's coat or trying to determine whether the offspring may carry a particular disease such as hip displasia, testing your dogs' DNA is essential to producing quality litters. At-home DNA kits such as Embark have been gaining popularity in recent years, and we make it easy to add this information to our database.
On the Add/Edit form for your dog you'll see a section titled "Genetic Information" as seen in the screenshot below. In this section you'll be able to add DNA Markers and DNA Values.
DNA Markers - These are the sequences of DNA with a known physical location on a chromosome. They are usually represented by acronyms such as PTPLA (short for Centronuclear Myopothy), or PKD1 (short for Polycystic Kidny Disease). Our system is pre-loaded with a list of common markers that you can select from a dropdown once you start typing, but you are also free to enter your own markers that we don't have.
DNA Values - These represent your dog's result for the DNA test for the specific marker.
To manually enter a genetic marker, start typing the marker name or abbreviation into the DNA Marker text box. Select the marker from the dropdown or enter in the new marker if it doesn't exist in our database. Then enter your dog's tested value for that DNA marker.
Uploading Embark CSV
You will first need to download your Embark DNA files. After you have downloaded them to your computer, navigate back to Pedigree Online in your browser and go to your dog's Add/Edit page. In the Genetic Information section (pictured above), click the orange "Upload DNA File" button.
You will then see a new popup that lists instructions for uploading your Embark CSV file to our system (pictured below). Click inside or draft your CSV file into the blue bordered area and your file upload will automatically begin.
Once you have uploaded your file, you will see a list of all DNA markers and DNA values for your dog that we can import into our database (pictured below). By default all markers will be checked. You can select the checkbox at the very top of the table to check/uncheck all markers. Once you have selected the markers you'd like to import into Pedigree Online, click the green "Finish Import" button. Important Note: After you click "Finish Import" you still need to save your dog's pedigree. The window will close and you can then click the green "Save Genetic Information" button to save your dog's information.