Damasyn the Troycen
LittersLitter statistics for Damasyn the Troycen
Add New Litter20 litters 15 unique mates27 offspring: 9 males, 18 femalesFirst recorded offspring: Jan 30th, 1969Latest recorded offspring: Apr 12th, 1975
Out of Carosel the Highlight
WD 104438
Out of Gemae Purple Please
WC 939662
Out of Holly Woods Richochet
WC 834813
Out of Arabar's Impertinence
WC 377360
Out of Marks-Tey Melanie
AKC WB722166
Out of Ebonaire's Laurel
WB 658067
Out of Damasyn the Legacy
WB 632084
Out of Tully Amber of Bright Dawn
WB 337504
Out of Damasyn Adorable
WB 460426
Out of Damasyn Felicity
WC 159687