We suggest that you first read about our different custom database field types before learning how to manage the fields in your custom database.
Please make sure that you're logged into your custom database. You can log in by going to your database homepage, hovering over the My Account menu in the top-right corner of the page, and then clicking the Sign In link.
Once you're logged in, head over to your account area by hovering over your email address in the top-right corner of the page, and clicking the Account Dashboard link. From your account area, on the left-hand navigation you'll see a link to "Manage Fields" under your database's title. This will take you to our custom database field management.
Custom Database Field Management
Your custom database field management page will display all fields that are currently associated with your database. We have five categories that each field can be put into: General Information, Health Information, Genetic Information, Additional Information, and Media. When you'd like to add a new field to your database, scroll down to the category that you'd like to add the field (e.g. Additional Information) and click the "Add New Additional Information Field" button.
After clicking the "Add New Field" button you will see a popup where you can select the type of field you'd like to add. Please review our custom database field guide to read about all of the field types we offer. Select the type of field that you'd like to add and click the "OK" button. The popup will close and you'll see a new section where you can manage the preferences for the new field you just added. Please note: the field will not be saved to your database until you click the "Save" button.
Depending on the field type that you select, you will be presented with multiple options:
Title / Label: This allows you to customize the label of your field
Category: This allows you to select which category your field is saved under. This will affect both the add/edit form and the informational popups on the reports.
Description / Help Text: This will allow you to give hints to your users when they are adding/editing a horse. When hovering over a field, this text will display on the left-hand side of the page.
Only allow administrators to edit this field: When this button is checked, the user must be logged in and have an "administrator" role in order to edit this field.
Require this field when adding or editing an animal: The add/edit form will not be saved unless a valid value is supplied for this field. Please note, if "Only allow administrators to edit this field" is also checked, only administrators will be allowed to add or edit records.
Hide this field on the Create New Animal form: When checked, this field will be hidden when adding a new record and only be shown when editing the record. This is useful for slimming down your add form.
The following are specific to the dropdown field:
Maximum entries allowed: This allows you to control how many entries are entered or selected when adding values.
Dropdown options: This is where you enter all of the options you'd like in your field's dropdown menu. Please note, if you do not add any values to this field, the dropdown field will be completely free-form and will allow any values (even when the Allow Custom Values checkbox is unchecked). To add new dropdown options all you need to do is enter the new value and click the or buttons on your keyboard. Duplicate options will be removed.
Allow Custom Values: Allows the user to add custom values for this field when adding/editing their animal regardless of whether there are dropdown options available to select.